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Who we are
Founded in Israel by Rabbi Nachum Wasosky, Geerz is dedicated to developing youth, around the world, to become the leaders of our next generation. Geerz works to mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually make youth great through mountain biking.
Geerz Israel is headquartered in Ramat Beit Shemesh – one of the fastest growing cities, in all of Israel. Situated in the Judean Hills, it offers accessibility to world-class mountain biking within minutes. There is no other organization like Geerz in the area, let alone in all of Israel.
Geerz uses mountain biking as a powerful tool to teach valuable lessons in leadership. We offer, an adventure activity as a healthy outlet for youth, encouraging them to adopt positive behaviors and pastimes as part of their identity. Geerz has created a unique curriculum that is tailored to the demographics of each group. The curriculum harnesses and strengthens the inherent physical, mental and emotional challenges of mountain biking, while at the same time connecting the participants spiritually and the to the Land of Israel.
What we do

We succeed because mountain biking is a sport that requires skill, attention and focus. When our riders are "in the zone", they are focused on balancing their own need to overcome personal challenges and at the same time to be mindful of the needs of the people around them. It is an optimal time to impart hands-on leadership ideas and social values to them. These are the very tools they will need to be effective leaders of tomorrow.
Why we succeed

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